Monday, April 7, 2008

The Vinland Sagas

The presence of women in these sagas was very impressive. Especially in The Saga of Greenlanders when Freydis slaughtered half an expedition. She was a very manipulative woman finding a way to get what she wanted regardless. However, despite the violent nature of some of the sagas (Egil's in particular) her acts were looked on as such that no one respected even her descendents.

In this saga the appearance of foreigners is more openly acknowledged. It intrigued me greatlly to see a man being referred to as speaking German as I did not even know German was a unified and established language at the time. My other theory is that the monks who wrote the story referenced all people of that general area as being some form of German. Also, bondsmen and freed slaves were all mentioned for the first time since Gisli's saga. What exactly was the difference? and were they common? It is hard to tell from this script.

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